Sunday, December 1, 2013

Map The Same Server Using Different Credentials In Windows

A phrase has been on my mind lately: "The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different user name and password. To connect using a different user name and password, first disconnect any existing mappings to this network share." I'm not sure why my machine is referencing imaginary connections, but it is.

To work around this issue, I have added a new line to my Hosts file. If I'm unable to access, I'll add a line that reads a.wagh and now map a.wagh with whatever credentials I want. If I want to use different credentials, I'd add b.wagh or 2.stupidcomputer or user.hostname and map those--really, anything that wouldn't otherwise resolve to a real address and break something.

I'm using Windows Server 2008r2, but odds are this'll work on every version of every OS with a Hosts file that's low-level enough. I haven't actually checked, but I doubt the the *nix fstab file has the dumb one-credential-per-address rule, so this tip will probably only be useful on Windows.